Tuesday, May 23, 2006

it's 4 am

i was exhausted at 10 and went to bed
now it's 4 am and i'm wide awake

the fireworks store near me is open for the season
one could tell the first day they opened:
there were lots of explosions the other night and every night since

cleaned all the window in the house with the help of the children
showed them how the windows fold in so you can clean them on the out side
(most probably a bad idea with my children, but we'll see :)
wasn't going to do them all but kept talking myself into going and doing this one and that one

one in my dd's room was behind a bookshelf, after she went to play with friends
i moved the shelf and cleaned it
and when the baby got up from her nap i did the window behind the crib

i did avoid the windows in the bathroom:
the house had been advertised with all new windows, and some how we
missed the fact that there were old widows the the bathroom
can't even open them they are painted shut, they have old storm windows on the
outside -- one of which my dd broke when she thru a hammer (she was 2!)

i've got to replace the broken window in my ds's room he broke it years ago
i'm just not sure if i could do it my self -- the least expensive way
(all the new windows are double paned, he only broke the inside glass)

i was cleaning the window at the kitchen sink when one thing led to the other
i decided to replace the light bulbs in the track lighting (needed it for months)
and i just couldn't resist pulling down the wall paper in that corner
which meant i had to clean off my junk area
put all the paper stuff in a box to go thru later
and the other junk in another box
looks much nicer but still needs work

been working on cleaning the kitchen counter
finding homes for stuff that's there and not just
an instant clean ---- takes longer but should last longer


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