Wednesday, June 07, 2006

please answer this question

please answer this question:

how does gay marriage hurt, heterosexual (current christian traditional) marriage?
(intelligent replies only -- flaming, ignorant replies will deleted)

why/ how are we 'protecting' 'traditional' marriage, when thru divorce laws / society norms, it has already been destroyed?

hell if you stay married now to the same person you are out of the norm!
(and if you haven't guessed i support gay marriage)


At 12:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a gay man who married the love of his life in August 2005, I can confirm that gay marriage does not hurt same sex marriage. In fact, I believe it validates marriage as an institution that supports true commitment between two individuals. I feel blessed to live in a country that has seen the light and legalized civil unions (Toronto, Canada) so my partner and I can legally protect each other with regards to medical emergencies, and financially. As a young gay man 40 years ago, I never dreamed I never dreamed I would have the chance to live my life with honesty, integrity and love. I am now more optimistic in the world we live in. I truly believe that the US will eventually give way to love and let gp of hatred and intolerance (where it exists). We just need more people like you. Bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!



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