Wednesday, May 31, 2006


the children helped clean out their pool today,
i patched a hole so hopefully i can fill it tomorrow
for them

oh horrendous night
one child woke me up at 1:30 needing something for a headache
the other woke me up at 3:00 -- and i couldn't get back to sleep
till about 6-6:30!! -- just couldn't stop thinking about him and the

why i go off the deep end sometimes i don't know

he said the one of the reasons he hadn't just taken off
already was because of our family together
and we have beautiful children
i don't want them to get hurt

i think it is enough to stay together till the children
are older 16+, but does he see the value in it?

he says he still cares for me
i just hope enough that he'll come back

and i love him
we are just going thru a rough time
all relationships have them
you ride them out
things always get better!


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