Thursday, April 09, 2009

need more data

11/06/08 - Thursday --- the day the x got paid was: October 31st a friday
12/09/08 - Tuesday --- December 1st a Monday
1/08/09 - Thursday -- January 2nd a Friday
2/05/09 - Thursday -- February 2nd a Monday
3/05/09 - Thursday -- March 2nd a Monday
4/09/09 - Thursday -- April 1st a Wednesday

need more data, and i think there is one piece of the puzzle that is variable: the payroll department at his company, we'll see

edit for up date: ok he got paid May 1st it was a friday, so the state got the money to me on 5/07/09 a thursday

so if i have this figured correctly (i know this is the 'state' we are talking about) I should get paid: 06/09/09, because his pay date is June 1st a Monday

Yup got 'paid' today. So there is a pattern to the system, and it's not free form, sucks, but i should be able to figure the pattern out of when the x gets paid and the state deams me worthy enough to grant me access to the child support.


sigh - time to pay the bills

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Pattern found - the STATE only runs payments twice a week

8/29/08 -state verifies that my account exists
9/02/08 - my x pays me himself for the last time
the state of Indiana takes over and:
10/14/08 - i receive payment only after an e-mail to the Governor - Tuesday
11/06/08 - Thursday
12/09/08 - Tuesday
1/08/09 - Thursday
2/05/09 - Thursday
3/05/09 - Thursday

oooo another thought just occurred to me, maybe the state has a program similar the what the irs uses and they only run it once or twice a week, they collect all the payments in a certain time frame, but do not instantly pass them on, they hold them and then run the program once or twice a week..............ok so I went up and added the day of the week to the dates above and LOOK a pattern -- payment recieved on Tuesdays and Thursdays -- so there is the pattern, and if you don't fit into it you can wait a week or longer to get your support............

I should, if i have figured it correctly get the child support tomorrow, not like the 2 day statement that is the montra of the talking/script reading plastic bobble heads of the child support 'help' line -- a state sanctioned call center that is a waste of time and tax money


State of Indiana still hasn't paid

Well of course the support payment is still not here -- I hope the STATE of INDIANA some day gets a division that will actually investigate missing support payments, and not just read off a script like their hot line operators do.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

digital tv and analog tv and cable/satellite tv

i belive that when money is tight and times are tuff -- cable tv should be one of the first thing you ditch from your budget.....yes i know not everyone agrees..............

i have an analog tv, my x wanted cable----we got cable -- 2 year contract in my name since the bills are in my name--my x moved out, i'm stuck with a cable contract -- the children love it!!!!!!!!!!!! we never had cable before all they could watch was what came in thru the antenna

well i don't like tv -- inane!!!!!!! (that's anothe rant, i came to my senses on september 13th 2001 - and the tv machine has no one to blame but themselves)

so the cable contract is over in 2 months (2009)

i got a converter box (2 actually), and hooked it up -- you still have to use the good old rabbit ears!!!

so we found we would get the same lousy reception as before we got cable -- roflmao

i'm not going to pay for cable any more: i didn't want it, my children don't need it (ok, so they believe other wise) -- i locked the whole system up anyway and they only get an hour or two a day

well i have a choice: i can pay the cable company for local service only which is about 10-15$ a month, or i can rely on the rabbit ears with converter box (horrendous reception) -- i really don't want to give these people my money to support the 'roman games' -- as rome (the usa) burns entertain the people with gladiator games (tv shows) -- they won't notice as long as they are entertained

i'm not going to buy a new tv -- omgoodness!!! have you seen the prices of tv's!!!!!!!! this analog digital switch and been a boon to the tv companies, and the cable/satellite tv companies! -- which was the whole reason for the switch anyway -- yeah yeah yeah i know they say there were other reasons but they too were simply based on monetary gain

i'm going to get another converter box -- the one i got was horrible, and yes i wasted my government issued coupon on it, so i will have to pay full price -- but i will buy only one, after that it will be netflix or the library.........

oh and yes books!!! i love books, i own books, i read books, my children read books, i read books to my is one of the most wonderfull things to do in the whole world....... besides living

end of second rant for the day - lol

the STATE of INDIANA and child support

this rant is aimed at the STATE of INDIANA, not my x -- he actually responsibly pays his support -- and he has the receipts to prove it -- as he nicely smiles and tells me it's my problem not his that i don't have the support payment

my x gets paid on the first of the month, so i used to get support (when he was doing it himself on the first of the month), if the first was a holiday or Saturday he would pay me on the day before - when he got paid, if it was a Sunday i would get support on the Monday or next business day................................. of course he simply told the payroll department for the company he works at to put the money in my account and he wouldn't have to deal with it.........and they handled it -- it's a simple computer program.... steps the STATE....................'we need to keep track of the support for your protection and his too'........................... so now the support is deducted automatically from his check and sent by the payroll department to the state who in turn is supposed to give it to me................ i no longer have a day of the month when i know the money will be there, the 5 th maybe or the 13th of the month (the mortgage is due the 5th the electric the 8th -- see the problem)

i used to have all my bills auto-debited (ACH'd) so that I wouldn't have to worry about them getting paid -- no late fees, nothing forgotten ----- that is no longer possible due to the incompetence of the STATE, -- their excuse is 'it's him or his company's payroll department, of course it's not our computer program or process'

which has led to late fees, bounce/overdraft fees, and the fact that i will be changing all bills back to being mailed in -- you know write a check, stick it in an envelope with a stamp and hope it doesn't get lost in the mail -- how reliable is USPS (ok they are actually fairly reliable -- i used to work there, and have family working there :)

right now it's the 7th and no word or idea on when the support will get here -- and the state has no record of it being paid and yet my x has a receipt that it's been taken from his paycheck on the 1st of APRIL 2009 - no joke there

the INDIANA child support hot line -- is useless, and is a full waste of my taxpayer money and needs to be shut down -- they cannot look at the system and say
--well he hasn't paid,
--or the companies payroll messed up,
--or our bank messed up,
--or the federal bank system (ACH) messed up
--or well the people who handle sending out support payments just haven't gotten to yours yet -------------this last one is what i firmly believe is going on (even though it could be handled by a computer program) -- the state is manually processing each and every support payment that it receives -- and after having worked at a bank handling loan payments I KNOW this doesn't have to work this way (yes I've had a few jobs most of them very interesting)

frustrating, infuriating, maddening, and there is nothing i can do about it@#$^@$^#%&#%^#%^

except for sending an e-mail to the Governor -- which i did when i found out it would take the STATE up to 8 weeks to handle the first payment -- that's two months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- that's inane@!@! NO ONE should have to wait that long, especially if the STATE has all the information of where the payment is coming from where it is to go to and how much it should be (they had his paperwork, the courts filed it's paper work, i filed my deposit information before hand even though i found out by accident that i had too, luckily)

and by the way the Governor's office did take my e-mail serious and handled it for me -- thank you!

so where is this months support? who knows. And when will it get here -- who knows

but i do know one thing: IT IS SITTING IN A BANK ACCOUNT EARNING INTEREST FOR SOMEONE -- THE STATE? THE FED (ACH), THE COMPANY?, THE BANK (HIS COMPANIES OR THE STATES BANK), ------- but it is not here where it should be supporting the children who do not need to know that they are just a kog in the system

i reassure my children on a regular basis when they hear stories about support divorce etc...., that those stories are not about their father -- their father is responsible -- and silently remind myself what i think of him (can you wash your mind out with soap - lol)

ok my rant is over

baby shower - kick me

i helped plan a baby shower for a friend, i am overjoyed that it is over, and she liked it, kick me if i ever do that again, there is now some requirement for games at baby showers, apparently folks just can't come together and have intelligent conversation without being prompted

for games we did:

-- id the processed baby food in a jar by colour (bon appetite: what will baby eat!),
-- a game based on mom: "when momma is happy everyone is happy: what makes momma ___ happy?" - questions on the expectant mother's favorite things (daddy was not allowed to particpate in this game - i refuse to be the cause of any marital discord)
-- some game where you lost a cloths pin if you said the words: baby, sleep, and some catch prase that the expectant mom is always using -- you got 3 cloths pins when you walked in.