Friday, June 05, 2009


ah too good to be true, i shoulda suspected something was up, my ears were not just letting me know that they were resting from the children the other night..........they were trying to tell me something else was up, and the first bout of dizziness came Tuesday in the middle of the night

so i have: labyrinthitus -- or middle ear infection, which of course they can't do much about, i just have to wait for my body to fight it off, sigh

ever had a very very high pitched squeal from small child hurt your ears? now multiply that when you have an ear infection..............sigh

or better yet the dog barking, or children fighting, squealing for fun, playing the kazoo, -- yup that's what i'm dealing with -lol

as a parent if you can't laugh or realize you will laugh at the little things later you are lost


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