Tuesday, May 09, 2006


they ask me when he's going to call
they ask me when he's going to get here

and when he does, they act like it doesn't matter
it's frustrating!!!!!!!!!

it's like once he gets here they are satisfied
he's here and it has made their day

but then i don't know if he gets it!

i feel as if he doesn't care!

there are so many people out there who have children and don't care
they buy into the new line that kids will bounce back from everything

and they don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well they do only by becoming selfish
by blocking out all others
by only trying to make themselves happy
because they learn from the parent that didn't care about them
that making yourself happy is all that matters
no one else matters
and then they have lousy relationships because they cannot care about others

the children never learn to care about others
they never learn how to compromise in a relationship
how to love
how to make up
how to be a family

and the parent that loves them and is caring for them is stuck at a brick wall

i'm at a brick wall
and i want to cry


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